I Don't Know...
I don't understand this brand of animation. A lot of people really go for this grotesque, morbid, dark stuff but I see very little artistic value in it. Dark and twisted has become more cliche' than any other venue it seems. Artists and film makers think that if they portray something so unthinkably horrible they will evoke artistic value just because they went somewhere no else would. Shock value does not equal art. Its not a question of decency or morality. Its a question of originality and innovation. I'm not saying that I'm the most original one in the bunch, but I do make an effort. An artist can always fall back on the sick and twisted. It is a lot easier to make something terrible than it is to make something that it truly beautiful or even valuable. For those of you who think this type of thing is so great, can you please fill me in on why? As for this cartoon... I think the style and animation was extremely effective in that it was all together disturbing. Artistically you pull it off, conceptually... well, you know how I stand. To all of you "Dark Artists" out there: Challenge yourself and make something pretty next time. Thanks!